Special Education IEP Yes or No Santa Clara

Special Education IEP Yes or No Santa Clara

Many schools force parents to work hard to obtain an IEP for their child. Frequently this takes place when the parent sees the child struggling with some or even many aspects of school. Often parents imagine/hope that getting their child an IEP will solve many of those struggles.

There are things IEPs can do, and things they cannot.

What Can An IEP Do?

Once your child has an IEP, you can work with the team to develop goals, and determine services, supports, and placement. If you can make the case or provide evidence your child needs it, you can often expand the supports and services as new requirements arise.

It gives your child’s teacher(s) a deeper, more complete of your child’s learning needs.

Many parents make formal communication between school and family part of the IEP.

Special Education IEP Yes or No Santa Clara

An IEP also gives you a way of checking whether or not the child is receiving the services and supports in the IEP. The reporting period frequency is part of the IEP. If you are not sure when you will receive the IEP updates, ask. Then put those dates on your calendar, and follow up in writing a week after that date if you do not have an update.

Another significant advantage is that parents have the California Department of Education. If the district is not providing agreed upon services, it is easy to file a non-compliance Complaint. The State investigates. If they agree that your child has not received services, may order the District to provide compensatory services.

What An IEP Cannot Do

While a valuable framework, it will not solve all potential problems. Sometimes families do not mesh well with their student’s teacher. An IEP will not magically improve the relationship. If the teacher’s style or teaching does not work well with the student’s, the District may not readily admit that.

Human relationships cannot be managed by an IEP. They are something that we need to work on outside of the IEP.

They also cannot resolve all concerns. If you know your child needs a service and the rest of the team does not acknowledge it, you must help the team see the need. While an IEP is a powerful tool to help your child, it does not solve all problems.

Building good working relationships with your child’s staff and documenting their needs are always helpful.

As parents, we understand,  As experienced and trained advocates, we can help.



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