IEP Individualized Special Education San Jose Evergreen

IEP Individualized Special Education San Jose Evergreen

IEP Individualized Special Education San Jose Evergreen

What Our Child Needs

As parents, we often have a sixth sense about what our child needs in order to be able to access their education. We recently had a client whose school district tested the child, and determined that he had low intelligence. Perhaps this was true, or perhaps it was not. We requested an Independent Educational Evaluation. It turns out that the child is very bright… and learns in a unique manner not identified in the standard district assessment. Why is this a challenge for Districts to address? Unfortunately, it is about time and money.

What Our Child Gets

Could the district have figured this out? Absolutely. It is likely that they would? No, of course not. If the district identifies this student’s unique learning style, they must then come up with specific plans on how to address the child’s unique needs. This requires time, creativity, willingness to think outside of the short list of standard programs the district offers. While every student with an IEP is entitled to an INDIVIDUALIZED Education Program, the truth is that most district look to put students with IEPs into programs they already have.


If their drop down list of special ed programs do not happen to fit your student’s unique and individualized learning style, then the district must individualize for your student. It will surprise few of you that this is far easier said than done. We have been in meetings where districts will flat out say “We don’t do that.” It costs time to do the extra tests to determine the student’s unique learning style. Sometimes the unique learning needs require additional staff training, or one to one instruction. Others necessitate materials presented in a way where the District has to create or present materials differently for that student. Few schools want to sign up for this.

So What Now?

This is where it is essential that parents have a clear plan, and the documentation to back it up.

For more information, call or fill out our contact form.

As parents, we understand,  As experienced and trained advocates, we can help.