What is the timeline for an IEP?

Knowing the timeline for an IEP is useful information for parents. That way you will know what to expect, and when to expect it. 

IEPs start with an initial assessment. From the time you write or email the district asking them to assess your child in all suspected areas of disability, the school district has 15 calendar days to respond to your request. They can agree to assess and will send you a document letting you know what areas they think need to be assessed. They can also send you written documentation saying they do not believe your student needs to be assessed.

a man stands in front of a calendar depicting a timeline for an IEP

Once you receive the form telling you they will assess and in what areas they will assess, sign and return it as soon as possible. They cannot begin until they receive your written permission. From the time you send the signed document to them, they have 60 calendar days to complete assessments and to hold an IEP team meeting to discuss their results. This 60 calendar days does not include school breaks of more than 5 calendar days. Winter break would not count as part of the 60 calendar days. Many schools in California take off single weeks throughout the school year. As long as it is for only 5 school days, the 60 calendar timeline stays the same. If the school is closed for 6 school days in a row, then you will need to add that time to the total number of days. 

From the time you meet for the IEP, the IEP team meeting to discuss the results must  always be within the 60 days from the day you signed permission to assess. 

What happens if you are not able to finish the IEP document?  Some schools schedule a Part 2 IEP meeting very quickly, and others propose dates that are 4 to 6 weeks away. Wait, what? We recommend always asking the team to get their calendars out at the end of the initial IEP team meeting to figure out a follow-up date and get it on the calendar then. 

If you have an unhelpful or very busy team, we sometimes send a written request for the follow-up IEP team meeting during or right after the meeting. Any time you request an IEP meeting in writing, the district has a maximum of 30 calendar days to schedule and hold the meeting. That way you know Part 2 will take place within 30 days. 

For help at your child’s next IEP meeting, more information about our special education advocacy services, or for a FREE 20-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit for you, call or email today!

As parents, we understand. As advocates, we can help.

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