Special Education Advocacy Santa Clara and Santa Cruz

Special Education Advocacy Santa Clara and Santa Cruz

School Year 2014-2015 in Review Gratitude Version

Another school year in the books, and what a year.  We have seen school staff put themselves out on limbs professionally to get students what they need.  To them, we say THANK YOU!

Props to the school principal who agreed to full inclusion for two brothers.  The district’s initial proposal was to change placement from half time inclusion to full time SDC.  The district had never done full inclusion with students with their level of disability.  That background makes it all the more impressive that the principal changed her mind and became an active member in figuring out how to make it work for these students.  Thank you!

Props to the many teachers and therapists who have helped children get assessed and receiving the services they need.  Many have done so in spite of districts who have actively or passively discouraged this involvement.  This includes contract therapists who may be less likely to be re-hired because of their actions, and teachers who have internal politics to consider.  Thank you!

Special Education Advocacy Santa Clara and Santa Cruz

Special Education Advocacy Santa Clara and Santa Cruz

Props to the administrators who may strongly disagree with the proposed placement and services, and listen to the family’s input with thoughtfulness and respect.  We hope to someday live in a world where we can expect this.  It is a gift to be on a team with people who can disagree without being disagreeable.

Last and most important, props to every parent out there who is parenting a child with special needs, working full time in paid employment and/or taking care of their children, and advocating to get their child what s/he needs in order to obtain a free appropriate public education.  Parenting is hard work and parenting a child with special needs presents additional parenting challenges.  Even if our child with special needs is relatively easy to parent, accessing and participating in the systems to support our children often seem to be based on a Darwinian model.  Having the time and energy to robustly advocate for that child…  We know how hard it is.  We salute you for being willing to do what it takes to get your child what s/he needs.  Good job, you!!!



As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.