Need Special Ed Advocacy Santa Cruz Part 3

Need Special Ed Advocacy Santa Cruz Part 3

A lot of our clients are capable parents who have done their research.  Many know almost as much as we do about special education regulations, and know their child a lot better than we do,  Why would they consider hiring an advocate?

An advocate’s presence in an IEP meeting changes the tone of the conversation.  Some parents bring in advocates to make sure they (the parents) do not miss any key items.  Most parents include advocates because they feel the achool/IEP process has not adequately supported their child, they have tried to change it on their own, and it has not worked. Their child is still struggling academically, goals are vague or poorly written, and baselines are not specific and measurable.  An advocate’s presence causes the district to re-evaluate the discussion moving forward. The parents have gone to the time, trouble, and expense to bring in their own expert to help in the process.  The act of doing so lets the district know the conversation will be changing, the parents are fully aware of their rights, and are willing to act upon them.

A few districts will say things to parents that they know are not true, and say it with great conviction. Most do not…the ones who do can be pretty convincing.  Separating truth from fiction is part of what advocates do, and we find our presence at IEP meetings tends to limit the storytelling.

Advocates can also state the harder truths.  Many people, especially moms, are uncomfortable being direct with their child’s school.  Whether it’s cultural conditioning to ‘be nice’ or showing respect to educational systems that was ingrained in our childhoods, it can feel unpleasant to point out that your child’s school is not doing their job.  An advocate can do that calmly and professionally, leaving the parent to be the parent.  Many of our clients find it very freeing.

Need Special Ed Advocacy Santa Cruz Part 3

Need Special Ed Advocacy Santa Cruz Part 3

Hire an advocate. Learn your rights.

As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.