Special Ed Parent Advocate Stress San Jose

Special Ed Parent Advocate Stress San Jose

Special Ed Parent Advocate Stress San Jose

There are times in every parent’s life when dealing with the agencies who are supposed to provide services for our child wears us down. We naively thought they would support our child and make their life better.  Instead, they seem determined to do as little as possible, possibly even causing harm to our child through inadequate services that do not meet our child’s needs.

Perhaps we have been fighting the school district too long and we are not getting anywhere. In addition to these enormous stresses that could have a big impact our child’s future, we also have all the stresses of other parents. We are rearing children. Our work is throwing extra challenges, requiring longer hours.

The stress of having to fight the school system is impacting our personal relationships, possibly even including our relationship with the student’s other parent. When our child’s future is at stake, it is a big deal. Do not underestimate how much stress this can cause. It often impacts every area of our lives.

Ever been in this situation?

Both Aspire Advocacy partners are parents of multiply disabled children, and we have been there… more than once. Our parent to parent advice is to take the time to take good care of yourself. What about your child?  Remember when you are on an airplane and the staff tells you to put your oxygen mask on first? That applies here.

We are in a much better position to advocate for our child when we are not run ragged and exhausted. Yes, it is an important fight. If you are having a bad day, wait and attack it the next day (or even the next week).  Reach out for support. Do something fun with your partner or a friend. Read, meditate, pray, go to the beach. Acknowledge that it is hard, and take breaks when necessary.

Talk to an advocate. Learn your rights.



As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.

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