IEP Year-End Timelines Parent Advocate Mountain View

IEP Year End Timelines Parent Advocate Mountain View

Year End Timelines

The 2017 – 2018 school year will wrap up in a little over 60 days. When your child has an IEP, there may be end of year considerations.


If you have already requested assessments, there are mandated timelines. Your child’s school district has 60 days from the time you return the signed assessment form to complete the assessments. They must schedule the IEP Team Meeting within 60 days from the date you turned in the signed form. From previous posts, you know to request receiving all assessments at least a week prior to the meeting. This gives you time to review them, and ask questions.

IEP Team Meetings To Discuss Assessments

If you can, schedule them as soon as possible. End of term is always a busy time, and students are not the only ones excitedly anticipating summer. Also, if you cannot finish the IEP Team Meeting in time, scheduling early may allow you to have the second meeting before school is out for the year. That allows the school and your student to start the year with a signed IEP in place.

IEP Team Meetings To Address Concerns

IEP Year-End Timelines Parent Advocate Mountain View

This is also a good time to schedule an IEP Team meeting to put things into place for next year. Are things going mostly well but you have some significant concerns you would like to discuss with your child’s case manager or teacher? Have additional goals or concerns come up since the last annual? You still have time to meet and discuss course corrections before school is out. A late-year meeting is a good time sort out challenges that have come up since your student’s last annual IEP.

Transition IEP Team Meetings

When your child is changing schools, the team will schedule a transition meeting in April or May to discuss the transition. Some schools only allow 30 minutes and little chance to discuss concerns. Others allow a lot more latitude and you can bring up additional concerns. Ask the team how they are scheduling the meeting. You can always call for a second IEP Team Meeting if the transition meeting does not allow adequate time.


If you request the meeting (in writing) less than 30 days before the end of the school year, some schools will refuse to have the meeting until school resumes in August. Keep an eye on timelines if you want the meeting before school gets out.

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