More IEP Special Education Hacks South Bay

More IEP Special Education Hacks South Bay

More IEP Special Education Hacks South Bay

You Can Call As Many IEPs As Your Child Needs

Some families only have an IEP Team Meetings once each year. We understand. It can be hard to get time off work. One hopes that the district is fully implementing the student’s IEP. The school will tell us if they have missing staff or are not providing services… right?  “…Bueller???”

Why More Often?

If the student is not making adequate progress on goals, checking in partway through the year allows changes in a timely manner. This cannot happen outside an IEP. Parents can call an IEP simply to get goal updates and discuss whether the child’s IEP is appropriate or needs adjusting. During IEP meetings, staff often discuss things in more detail than we would otherwise hear from just coming to back to school nights or speaking occasionally with the teacher.

Do What Gives You Confidence

For some parents, it helps to dress business casual. Others take a friend to provide moral support. Every parent needs a complete copy of all reports the District will present at the meeting. All IEP Meetings include goal updates. Ask to receive those in advance as well so you have time to review them and write down any questions. As ever, record the meeting. If you do not need the recording, you can always delete it. Make a list of what you want covered, and make sure the team addresses every item on your list.

Have Your Records And Documents Ready

If you have specific information to share with the team, bring it with you. Maybe consider sending it in early so the team has time to read it before the meeting. This can include outside testing, reports from other sources, or things you are working on at home,

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