What is best for my child with special needs?

This is a question I have asked myself many times: HOW do I decide what is best for my child with special needs? When you have a child that is disabled, you are often given the message that you must let “experts” direct and guide you to the best way to care for your child. This message includes the implicit assumption that caring for a disabled person is somehow outside of your ability as a parent—to be able to care for and help support your own child.

image of a woman caring for her child with special needs

Parents can find it very difficult to go against the multitude of suggestions made by doctors, therapists, and other professionals—even when those perspectives seem counter to what the parent knows is “right” for their individual child. As a society, we have been taught that many of these highly educated people should be treated as authorities and that our own instinct should be ignored.

When considering options for support and help for a disabled child, listening and weighing the opinions of educated professionals is definitely a good place to start. But for every educated professional there is an opinion. Those opinions may conflict with one another. It is the parent’s responsibility to listen, filter, weigh options, and then ultimately decide what is most appropriate for their child.

What is best for my child with special needs and their education?

Within the world of special education, there are countless routes that a student can take. One path is initially chosen, but the direction may need changing—either slightly or drastically. Sometimes, these changes are parent-driven. We know our children best and are very involved in their lives both inside and outside of school. For educated professionals, taking care of or providing opinions on our children with special needs is a job. For us as parents, it is our lives.

Never go against what you know is right for your child! The easiest path may not necessarily be the best path forward. This journey we are on can be difficult and scary…..and it came with no directions. Get the most accurate information you can and then follow your instincts.

Hire an advocate. Learn your rights.



As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.