In 2021, every Regional Center client in the state of California will be eligible for the Self-Determination Program. This is exciting news because it means every client is eligible for a Person-Centered Plan!
Why do you need a Person-Centered Plan?
Self-Determination is a new and exciting program designed to improve the quality of life for every California Regional Center client. The State initially created plans for 2,500 people a few years ago. Last year, they expanded the program to provide Self-Determination for another 5,000 people state-wide. After June 7, 2021, the Self-Determination Program is open to all Regional Center clients.
As the parent of a Regional Center client, it’s normal to have many questions about this new program. Where will it be implemented, what does it do, why should I get one, and will this really support my family member?
The answer to, “Do you need a Person-Centered Plan?” is, “Yes, absolutely!” The goal of the Self-Determination Program is for everyone with a developmental disability to determine what supports and services they need to have a high quality, satisfying life. The Self-Determination process provides funding for this.
The Person-Centered Plan is the detailed template that the Regional Center needs to help develop your family member’s plan.
Where do I start with my Person-Centered plan?

The first step is to seek out a professional who will help you develop a Person-Centered Plan (PCP). The Plan is a 30 to 40-page document that takes a 360° look at the individual and their likes, dislikes, preferences, interests, skills, areas where they need support, what they want, and much more.
A person experienced in writing Person-Centered Plans will put all of this into a detailed PCP document. This PCP will also include all goals the individual wishes to work on over the next year. These goals become the basis of the new Regional Center Individualized Program Plan (IPP), and Self-Determination funding pays for the services necessary to meet these goals.
We have had clients whose goals include therapeutic horseback riding, a gym membership, academic support in college, independent living support staff, day program staff, transportation costs, equipment needed to meet their goals, and a long list of other items.
Another incentive to start early: the Regional Center is currently reimbursing the cost of having a professional create an individualized Person-Centered Plan. This is a fantastic time to get started!
In order to get the best Person-Centered Plan possible, you will need to work with someone who has extensive experience supporting others and adequate training in the Regional Center’s requirements for Person-Centered Plans. Aspire Advocacy can help you create a detailed Person-Centered Plan. In addition to taking the extensive Train the Trainer Person-Centered Planning class, we have completed Person-Centered Plans that have more than satisfied the Regional Center’s requirements.
We can do the same for you.
Contact us today and get a Person-Centered Plan that is right for you!
Leigh Monichon