IEP Amendments—Keep Your Child’s Education On Track

IEP amendments help keep your child with special needs’ education on the right track. If you feel your child’s IEP no longer accurately supports their education, you can call an IEP team meeting that must be held within 30 days of your written request. IEP amendments typically require the entire IEP team’s presence and are meant to address your concerns surrounding your child’s education. After the meeting, your child’s IEP documentation should reflect the changes discussed.

Some parents opt to have parent-teacher meetings instead of formal IEP team meetings. While it is very important to have a working relationship with your child’s teacher, IEP amendments created outside of formal channels often lack documentation and are difficult to enforce. When you hold an IEP amendment meeting, the process is done in an official manner that records the conversation, agreements, and any potential changes to your child’s IEP that you will be able to review and approve.

IEP amendments are essential to your child’s scholastic well-being.

We recommend calling an IEP amendment meeting if you are having concerns about your child’s progress, implementation of the IEP, or if you feel there need to be changes made to the IEP. Sometimes an IEP amendment can be held for you to share new information about your child with the IEP team in order to update the IEP. Examples for this may include new diagnosis, medication, assessment data, or even major life changes. 

abstract representing IEP amendments

IEP amendments are a powerful tool for your family that ensures communication with the IEP team and implementation of the IEP document. If you are unsure whether to call a meeting, have concerns about your child’s IEP, or feel changes need to be made to your child’s IEP, reach out to Aspire Advocacy.

For help at your child’s next IEP meeting, more information about our special education advocacy services, or for a FREE 20-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit for you, call or email today!

As parents, we understand. As advocates, we can help.