What is a Special Circumstances Instructional Aide (SCIA)?

When a student has an IEP and needs substantial individualized support, a Special Circumstances Instructional Aide (SCIA) may be the answer. 

What is a SCIA, and why have most families never heard of one?

A SCIA is what families often call a 1-to-1 aide. They are used for many purposes including helping a student focus, finish projects, pay closer attention to instruction, eat safely, prevent eloping, etc. A few years ago, Districts began calling them SCIAs. 

We have occasionally seen districts offer a student SCIA support without much effort from the parents.  Typically it is when the student is eloping from the classroom often or being very active while in the classroom. 

In our experience, Districts rarely suggest a SCIA, even if it seems pretty obvious the student needs individualized support. They will say it is due to providing the Least Restrictive Environment – which can be part of the reason. Other times the reason is budgetary. Districts have a fixed amount of educational funds and SCIAs are relatively expensive. However, if your student needs one in order to receive a free appropriate public education,, then the district must provide one. 

A special circumstances instructional aide assists a child up a rock wall.

SCIAs may not have specialized training in supporting students with disabilities. Often they are trained by the classroom teacher, by a behavior specialist , or both. Every SCIA should receive at least some initial training and ongoing education in how to support your student. 

Some SCIAs are bell to bell with the students they support (with them from the time the student arrives until the time the student leaves for the day). Others support only during targeted times when a student needs direct support. SCIA supports are part of an IEP, and often monitored by the classroom teacher and your child’s case manager. 

For help at your child’s next IEP meeting, more information about our special education advocacy services, or for a FREE 20-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit for you, call or email today!

As parents, we understand. As advocates, we can help.

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