
Triennial IEP Assessments

Once your child qualifies for an IEP, they will then have an IEP for the next three years. It must be updated yearly with a minimum of new goals. However, they will continue to qualify for IEP supports and services…
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The IEP Reevaluation Timeline: What You Should Know

Parents often ask about the IEP reevaluation timeline. Reevaluations are key as they allow the IEP Team to determine whether the student is still eligible for an IEP and related services.   At least one time every 12 months, the IEP…
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Back to school plans

It’s time to start thinking about going back to school. Besides the school supplies, what else can parents do to help our students get ready for going back to school? Part of this is also helping their teacher get ready…
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California IEP Timelines And How They Affect You

California IEP timelines are closely aligned with federal IEP timelines. Here is more information about what they are, and what to expect.  From the time you submit a written request for an assessment to determine whether your child qualifies for…
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30-day IEP Timelines and You

30-day IEP timelines are an important aspect of the IEP process. When your child has an IEP, the team must meet at least one time every calendar year to discuss your student’s present levels, where they need support, determine what…
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What is the role of private evaluations for an IEP?

Many parents suspect their child may need support WAY before the school notices and some pursue private evaluations for an IEP. This can include starting with their child’s physician, and then progressing to a speech and language assessment, occupational and/or…
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What is the timeline for an IEP?

Knowing the timeline for an IEP is useful information for parents. That way you will know what to expect, and when to expect it.  IEPs start with an initial assessment. From the time you write or email the district asking…
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