
IEP Assessment Examples

In order to get your student an Individual Education Plan (IEP), it helps if you know about IEP assessment examples.  In order for a student to be found eligible for and to receive IEP supports and services, the school must…
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When does your student need an IEP test?

Any number of events can start the process of applying for an IEP, and they all begin with an IEP test. Sometimes the initial event is a visit to the child’s pediatrician, who indicates they see some areas of concern…
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IEP Timelines and You

IEP timelines guide the IEP process by allowing parents to know what to expect while going through the IEP process. Many parents start the IEP process wondering whether the district will respond and when. Here is a guide to many…
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Common IEP assessments

IEP assessments are required for your child to qualify for an IEP. If you suspect your child has a disability, you email at least two members of the school staff and request that your student be assessed in all suspected…
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How to go about requesting an emergency IEP meeting

Parents often wonder how to start the process of requesting an emergency IEP meeting. We at Aspire Advocacy hear stories of parents talking to teachers or other school staff about urgent concerns they have, and then nothing happens. Parents wonder…
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An emergency IEP meeting: how does it work?

There are times when parents must call an Emergency IEP meeting. Many involve their child’s safety or behavior concerns. This can include a child eloping (leaving the classroom), unexpectedly leaving their school campus, running into traffic, coming home obviously injured…
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IEP Compliance and You

Parents spend a lot of time thinking about their child’s IEP and often do not think about IEP compliance. This changes once they are not seeing results or their student reports not receiving services. Parents also want to partner with…
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Who qualifies for Extended School Year (ESY)?

Extended school year (ESY) is district-provided education that takes place during the summer. For most schools, it takes place for roughly 4 weeks, often in June and July. Typically not every school site in your district will offer ESY, but…
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Extended School Year and IEPs

Many students qualify for Extended School Year (ESY) and attend school for an additional month in the summer. ESY is typically for students with higher support needs. The IEP team determines that a student is eligible when they find that…
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