
abstract image representing signing the iep

Signing the IEP—When should or shouldn’t you?

At the end of some IEP meetings, signing the IEP may feel like you’re doing your child a disservice. Maybe you felt like your thoughts and opinions were ignored. Maybe the goals just are nonspecific or unquantifiable and the IEP…
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Basic IEP Timelines—What can I expect and when?

When you are working to get support for your child with suspected or confirmed disability, what are the basic IEP timelines? Is there a roadblock halting your progress? Or is your school district utilizing full limits on timelines to delay…
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Eligibility vs Diagnosis in Special Education

My child has autism; why don’t they qualify for an IEP? There is a difference between a medical diagnosis and an educational diagnosis , and the educational diagnosis is what is required eligibility for special education services. In many cases,…
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abstract image representing mainstreaming in special education

Mainstreaming in Special Education

When determining where a student with an IEP will mainstreaming in special education, IEPs teams are required to start with the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Teams need to consider all placement options for each student with an IEP, and discuss…
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