Special Education Advocate Parent San Jose


Special Education Advocate Parent San Jose

Special Education Advocate Parent San Jose

Can You Be Effective and Have Good Working Relationships with the School District?

Part 1 of 2

This is a tough one.  Dads play a crucial role in their children’s lives and are important members of the IEP team. For most, the special education maze is so confusing that families end up having one person become the ‘case manager’.  This is the person who researches special education laws and corresponds with the district, teacher, and other professionals providing services. Often it is the mom.

Many women are culturally conditioned to be collaborative,  (Yes, we all know exceptions to this.)  A lot of us grew up wanting to do well at school, and to be liked by our teachers.

When we enter the IEP process, we hope and expect that the school district will accurately assess our child.  We trust that they will provide the appropriate supports and services to help our child develop to their full potential.  For many families, this is true.  For some, though, there is the hard realization that the IEP process – or even the process of getting their child accurately assessed – is not serving their child.  Now what?

Advocating for your child relies on a collaborative process. I always go into the IEP process with the presumption that the district wants to help the child, and that everyone at the table wants the student to get what s/he needs. There are meetings where I am rapidly disabused of this notion.  Still, I always start the meeting that way, and then adapt my approach as needed.

Families and districts may not see eye to eye.  In most cases, keeping the conversation as professional and businesslike as possible is helpful.  It is hard when you as a parent do not feel heard, or it seems like the team met before you got there and have already made key decisions.



As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.