Special Ed FAPE

Special Ed FAPE

What does education mean beyond the classic three “R’s” of reading, writing, and arithmetic? We hear a lot about FAPE (free appropriate public education).

To be appropriate, education programs for students with disabilities must be designed to meet the student’s individual needs to the same extent that the school meets the needs of non-disabled students. Appropriate education may include regular education or special education along with related aids and services to accommodate the disabled students individual needs.

Many parents believe this covers only academics. Even more school districts are willing to let them believe this. Here are a few recent examples. It is a partial list.

Special Ed FAPE

Special Ed FAPE

Medical and Feeding. Last week, we were at an IEP for a student with medical conditions including severe feeding difficulties.  District had not done a feeding test, nor asked for documentation on the students medical condition. When asked about this,District Director said “Eating is not part of school.”  Not true. ANY child who goes all day without eating is not going to be able to learn appropriately.

Student Safety. Another young client moves puts things in his mouth that are potentially quite dangerous. He also moves at lightening speed, and has a severe choking risk. District has stated that a teacher can provide adequate supervision.  This teacher has 11 other students to teach and supervise. It seems unlikely she is able to watch him the entire time he is in the classroom. We have seen other students who wanted to leave campus at will, unannounced. Sometimes students face physical violence from other students, or bullying. Keeping a child safe from harm is part of FAPE.

Social Skills. A lot of students are not socially at ease with fellow students. Being able to interact with their peers is part of school. IEP teams often include goals around building conversational exchanges or playing together on the playground.

Talk to an advocate. Learn your rights.



As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.

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