IEP Advocate Basics Campbell Santa Clara Part 1

IEP Advocate Basics Campbell Santa Clara

Many parents have a clear idea of what their child needs to be able to learn.  One example is a one to one aide to support their student’s safety or ability to focus. Another is adequate speech or OT services, or additional support in math and reading.

One of the many confusing things about special ed is how team decisions are made. There is a process, and often parents wonder what it is.

IEP Advocate Basics Campbell Santa Clara Part 1

IEP Special Ed Advocate Basics Campbell Santa Clara Part 1

Needs drive assessments

Assessments drive goals

Goals drive placement, supports, accommodations, and services

Seems simple, right?

Let the games begin.

The first challenge is requesting an evaluation for your child. It is the District’s responsibility to identify students who may have a disability. It is not the parent’s responsibility to identify and request assessments. However, if the child’s school District either is not aware or elects not to test, then the parent needs to ask the District to assess.

Step 1 in these cases in to email at least two people at your child’s school district. Ask for a complete assessment in all suspected areas of disability. With that email, give details of what you have seen. Tell them why you are requesting the evaluation. Ask them to acknowledge receipt of your email. If you do not receive acknowledgement, wait a day or two and send it again.  District has 15 calendar days to respond.

Step 2 is reviewing District’s response. Typically District sends a basic assessment plan. Make sure it addresses all the areas of need you have covered in your email. If not, email and ask about unaddressed needs.

The District cannot begin assessing your child until they have received your signed permission. Once they receive your signed permission, they then have 60 calendar days to complete that assessment and call an IEP meeting.

Talk to an advocate. Learn your rights.

As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.

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