IEP Insider Tricks Sunnyvale Part 2

IEP Insider Tricks Sunnyvale Part 2

Write it down!  Susie and Leigh want to emphasize this statement when it comes to your child’s IEP. If it is not in writing, then it never happened. Some of the items this includes are:

-Assessment requests. Ask in writing whether it is one assessment, or assessment in all suspected areas of disability. A parent sending a written request triggers timelines during which the district must respond. We have had parents ask verbally for assessment. There are schools that have ignored the request (sometimes for years) until the parent put their request in writing.

-IEP scheduling. A written request triggers timelines, a verbal request does not.

-Important conversations with your child’s teacher or district staff. Often Districts will call to have a conversation on a matter that greatly impacts your child’s IEP or education.. Sometimes this can help us work through a minor situation. Others it may appear as if the district is trying to sway us, and not give us a record of the interaction. When in doubt, run, don’t walk, to your computer and write out the conversation as best you can remember it. Send the email to the district staff with whom you spoke. Also send it to at least one other person at the district. Write “this is a summary of the phone conversation you and I had on this date.” This email will make the phone call part of your child’s record.

IEP Insider Tricks Sunnyvale Part 2

-IEP goals, accommodations, supports, services. Any and all parts of the IEP. A verbal promise during an IEP meeting is not enforceable unless the team writes it in the IEP.

We always recommend that parents email all the items above to at least two people at their child’s school district. One should be the child’s case manager. The second can be the special education director or another team member.

Talk to an advocate. As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.

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