IEP Insider Tricks Cupertino Part 3

IEP Insider Tricks Cupertino Part 3

IEP Insider Tricks Cupertino Part 3

How to ask for what your student needs

Schools are required to identify children who may have special needs or may be at risk. It may surprise you that some school districts will fail to notice a student struggling. Often a teacher will notice a student’s learning differences, and report it to management. District may tell him or her that student is fine, or does not need testing. District may believe child is within typical ranges for most students, or may make decisions based on their current budget restrictions.

While we all would like to think the District will suggest testing if a child appears to be learning differently or needs extra help, this does not always take place. Some districts blame the family instead of suggesting appropriate assessments to determine need..

If you suspect that your child has a disability in any area that may impact their ability to receive a free appropriate public education, ask the School District to conduct an assessment.  The wording you want to use it to ask in writing that “the District assess in all suspected areas of disability.” It can be helpful to give a list of your concerns. Jane is not able to complete first grade math, and she’s in third grade. Bobby is engaging in some hand flapping, and struggling to keep up with the rest of his class.

All children have different strengths and weaknesses. Do not worry if you cannot think of every last thing. Sometimes just getting the process started kicks the district into gear. Other times, you may have to ask more than once to ensure that your child receives the assessment s/he needs.

Whether the district will do a thorough job is a topic for another day.

Talk to an advocate.

As parents, we understand,  As advocates, we can help.

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