10 False Statements Advocates Hear During IEPs

Abstract image representing false statements in IEPs

We hear some interesting things in our work, and by interesting, we mean not true. Often, these statements are offered with great sincerity and make us stop and wonder, “Did they really say that?” The following statements are things that district staff have said to the parents we work with and support—and that are ultimately untrue.

  1. We do not have the resources to give your child what s/he needs to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE).
  2. Because of ____________, your child needs to be in a special day class (SDC). (This is typically stated as a fact, not as one of many alternatives.)
  3. We cannot provide resource assistance on Wednesdays because that is a minimum day.
  4. We do not have enough staff to provide the service you are requesting.
  5. You act as if we are going to continue to pay for that service, and we are not.
  6. No, you may not look at more than one potential classroom or placement for your child. You may only look at the one we have chosen for your child. Looking at alternatives is “shopping.”
  7. We will not provide a one-to-one aide because it will make your child become dependent.
  8. The district has not followed your child’s IEP and sent home the spare set of textbooks we promised. We think it would confuse her.
  9. Your child’s homework is not adapted (as agreed in the IEP) because we do not have staff available to do that.
  10. If your child does not meet grade level by a certain time, he will have to move from regular education to an SDC or take his current grade again.

It’s possible that the district may believe some of these statements. That does not make them true.

Talk to an advocate. Learn your rights.

As parents, we understand. As advocates, we can help.

