
Children with disabilities: Structure vs. Playtime

We all want to help our children grow, learn, and thrive. Parents of children with special needs often feel under great stress to do absolutely everything they can to help their child “catch up” to their typically developing peers. This…
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When should you sign your child’s IEP document?

When should you sign your child’s IEP document? You have probably heard you should not sign the IEP at the end of an IEP team meeting. Many school districts confidently push the IEP towards the parent(s) and say, “Sign here.”…
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Adversarial to hire an advocate? Is it, really?

One question Susie and I often receive from parents is, “Is it adversarial to hire an advocate?” Absolutely not—when parents hire the right advocate. Some school districts behave in such a way that makes parents afraid of “rocking the boat”….
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You need a Person-Centered Plan! Now!

In 2021, every Regional Center client in the state of California will be eligible for the Self-Determination Program. This is exciting news because it means every client is eligible for a Person-Centered Plan! Why do you need a Person-Centered Plan? …
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Parents’ Rights in an IEP meeting

Parents’ rights in an IEP meeting are often glossed over. Why is that? Parents are important members of the IEP team, but sometimes we are not made to feel that way. There are many things parents need to know when…
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