
Inside the basics of a great IEP plan

Parents often ask us how they can get their child with special needs more or different services. We can do this through changing your IEP plan! There are four basic things that have an affect on IEP plans: assessments, goals,…
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IEP Meetings and how they affect your child

Parents who have to attend IEP meetings want to know that they are doing right by their child with special needs. It is incredibly important to know if your child has all the necessary supports, therapies, accommodations, etc. in place…
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Bullying Tactics in Special Education

How do you fight bullying tactics in special education when they come from your school district? Hiring an advocate brings someone to the IEP meetings that can come to your defense. Sometimes, school districts are just plain bullies. Their main…
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Wrightslaw and IEP Documentation

IEP documentation and Wrightslaw are two of the most important ways to protect you and your child’s right to an education during the IEP process. Wrightslaw—or special education law—has a section referred to as: “the rules of adverse assumptions”. The…
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When should I hire a special education advocate?

One of the less-commonly discussed items in special education is when to hire a special education advocate. Most parents call us when they hit a roadblock with their child’s school district.  Often the parent is not being heard at an…
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The Role of a Special Education Advocate

The role of a special education advocate is very specific, even if it incorporates a variety of different skills. Every IEP is different and advocates will not take the same approach for any two IEPs. There are so many ways…
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