
IEP Advocate Special Ed Santa Clara

IEP Advocate Special Ed Santa Clara The right way to do an IEP What is the right way to do an IEP? Well there is no one right way. There are a few wrong ways, but since every situation and…
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Hire Advocate, Attorney Special Ed

Hire Advocate, Attorney Special Ed Should parents hire an attorney when their child’s school district is being unhelpful?  Maybe.  Attorneys are an essential part of the special education process, and we work closely with many of them.  We recommend making…
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Special Education Rights San Jose

Special Education Rights San Jose How do you know what is right for your student? As parents, we always want to do what is best for our kids. We weigh options, we test out situations, we talk to other parents,…
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Special Ed Placement Bay Area Advocacy part 2

Special Ed Placement Bay Area Advocacy part 2 Options include full inclusion, inclusion with resource (RSP) push-ins (taking place inside the classroom) and pull-outs (student is taken to another room to work), designated instruction services (DIS) and special day classes…
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SF Bay Area Advocacy Game Playing

  SF Bay Area Advocacy Game Playing Much of what we do as advocates is strategize. Knowing how to play the special education game is a very big part of coming to an agreement about what an IEP document contains….
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IEP Special Ed Frustration Santa Clara

IEP Special Ed Frustration Santa Clara One of the most frustrating issues about special education is having to work within the system. The system itself is rarely the problem however. It is most often how a school district uses the…
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Bay Area Advocacy Special Education

Bay Area Advocacy Special Education Do I need to tell the district I am bringing an advocate to my child’s IEP meeting? Technically, the answer is “No.”  The parent may bring others to support them during the IEP meeting, and…
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Special Education Placement Options San Jose part 1

Special Education Placement Options San Jose part 1 There are many frustrating things about parenting a child with special needs. Many of them involve the organizations that exist, ostensibly to support our children during this journey.  We often do not…
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Why do parents need an advocate?

At a holiday networking event several years ago, an educational therapist asked Leigh why parents needed help advocating for their children; why do parents need an advocate? The simple answer: special education rules and regulations are complicated. There is a…
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