
image representing a certificate of completion

After The Certificate Of Completion: What Happens Next?

Most students who attend public school graduate on or around the time they turn 18 and earn either a diploma or certificate of completion. Our students with IEPs have additional options. They include graduating with their class, pursuing an alternate…
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IEP goals examples and why you should be careful

At the beginning of a new school year, it is important to take some time to review IEP goals examples and ensure your child’s IEP goals are well-written for implementation and skill acquisition. Ideally, all IEP goals would be reviewed…
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An Annual IEP Meeting: What Should You Expect?

Depending on your child’s success with their IEP, an annual IEP meeting may be the only time you interact with their IEP team during the school year. An annual IEP meeting is typically when you come together and discuss your…
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Why Get A Special Education Advocate?

IEP meetings are often stressful. A special education advocate can help alleviate some pressure by targeting areas where your child needs additional supports or services. Is it more advantageous to bring an advocate or lawyer? It depends on your individual…
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IEP Amendment Meetings and Other Important Events

Throughout the school year, you may be asked to attend a variety of IEP meetings for your child such as IEP amendment meetings, annual IEP meetings, or triennial IEP meetings. These meetings typically involve large, daunting stacks of paperwork that…
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What You Should Know About Writing IEP Goals

When working with a school district on your child’s IEP, writing IEP goals in clear, concise, and meaningful ways is challenging. Your child’s school district should write IEP goals that address areas of needed growth and address the intended skill….
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What Should IEP Goals And Objectives Address?

Well-written IEP goals and objectives are the most important part of an IEP. Each goal on your child’s IEP is a skill their school district is required to teach them. Your child’s teachers are required to record data on your…
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