
abstract image of federal disability

Federal Disability and IEPs—how are they related?

In order to qualify for an IEP, one must meet Federal Disability criteria listed under IDEA (the federal disability law named Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). The States may then add on their own criteria—and eligibility criteria under state law…
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Can I record an IEP? Yes, here’s why you SHOULD.

As advocates, our clients sometimes ask us, “Can I record an IEP?” We always strongly recommend our clients record IEP team meetings. Many families are concerned that their child’s school will interpret this as adversarial. We get it, but record…
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Long-Term special education planning

When we talk about long-term special education plans, we’re talking about looking into the next three to five years of your child’s life. While we may not know which members of your school district’s IEP team may still be present,…
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abstract image of an easy iep

An easy IEP? Is there such a thing?

Is there such a thing as an easy IEP? This is a great question and there are multiple answers. An easy IEP is when the school district writes the IEP with very little parent involvement, gives it to the parent…
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IEP Insider Tricks Part 1: Documentation

Aspire Advocacy’s founders have been advocates for a long time and have extensive knowledge of IEP insider tricks. They have attended hundreds (if not thousands) of IEPs. School districts, however, still find new and creative ways to surprise parents and…
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What to expect at the first IEP meeting

The time leading up to your first IEP meeting can be stressful. What will happen at the meeting? Will your child get the services they need to succeed in school? Will the school district attempt to obstruct your child’s access…
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